Teacher Mobility. Erasmus+ Project #rEtribUte
Between 28 and 30 June 2023 we carried out the final teacher mobility of the Erasmus+ project rEtribUte, coordinated by IES Azorín and involving its partners: Thomas-Mann Gymnasium in Berlin and Egri Pásztorvölgyi Altalános Iskola és Gimnázium in Eger (Hungary). The mobility included the participation of two German teachers and four Hungarian teachers, as well as the teachers from IES Azorín who are part of the Erasmus+ team at the institute. We had the opportunity to combine work with some cultural and institutional visits in both Elda and Petre
The German and Hungarian teachers enjoyed a guided tour of the Shoe Museum in Elda, https://www.museocalzado.com/ an essential institution to understand the history of one of the key sectors in the region’s industry and the lives of various local generations, in line with the contents studied in the project. They also visited the Castelar Theater in Elda, another cultural landmark in the history of Elda, https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Teatro_Castelar. On Friday the 30th, all the teachers involved in rEtribUte were received by the mayor of Petrer, wh listened to their progress over the course of three years of work.
The work sessions were focused on coordinating different aspects related to the project’s closure, such as sharing materials that will be included on the project’s website, https://retribute.iesazorin.com/, the project’s YouTube channel, https://www.youtube.com/@rEtribUteErasmusPlus, the European project results platform, and eTwinning. The writing and timing of the final report were also addressed. We reserved a final morning to address the issue of accreditations. IES Azorín provided a brief training on accreditations, provided guidelines to its partners for requesting them, and encouraged them to do so, considering the simplification they represent once the school is accredited when applying for mobilities that develop their internationalization plan.
As a culmination to this training day, a debate was opened on the future of the partnership and future channels of collaboration once the project is concluded. The delivery of attendance certificates and the exchange of gifts concluded this last face-to-face meeting, which was highly valued by its participants