Eleven female students and one male student from IES Azorín, along with two teachers, have participated in a mobility within our Erasmus+ project rEtribUte in the Hungarian city of Eger, alongside our two partner schools, Thomas Mann Gymnasium in Berlin and Egri Pásztorvölgyi Általános Iskola és Gimnázium in the host town.
The experience has allowed us to share our previous work related to the words of our lives, the rescue and exchange of expressions that we have selected through interviews with our elders in the three countries. This research has led us to get to know our grandmothers and grandfathers through their language and the activities that were associated with it.
During our stay, our students had the opportunity to meet students from the German and Hungarian schools and to get to know the culture and the city that hosted them. All the participants of the project were received at the town hall of Eger by the deputy mayor and they shared visits to emblematic places such as the castle, the city’s minaret, the Matyó Museum, and the Hadas open air Museum. They also shared some other cultural activities related to the project.
Unforgettable days that ended last Friday with the sadness of farewells but with the excitement of having participated in an immensely enriching project from a personal and academic perspective.